D17 Causes of Failure

"The enemy wants you to fail:  learn how you Can win"

False Belief:  "If I can't do it perfectly, it's not worth doing."

Truth:  "Perfection" is a tool the enemy loves to use to prevent you from your potential and purpose. Learn the truth.

What you're going to learn:

  1. The #1 most unusual cause to most failures in life
  2. Two simple tweaks that can help you get more results out of this challenge
  3. The 4 phrases the enemy uses to get you to sabotage your own success


  1. Do the 3 things ko instructs in the video and start accomplishing more goals in your life
  2. Do your workout today.
  3. Check in by answering the question below

Why Do This?    Most people quit just when the going gets good and sabotage their own success. Until you learn the "Skill Of Completion" you will struggle forever. 

Check In for today's session below by telling me your answer to this question...

Which of the causes of failure Can you relate to most, and how will you avoid it In this challenge?
