New Movement Routine

"How to Detox Entire Body in just 7-minutes"

If there's a move you can't do, simply skip it and wait for the next one. Make it your own :)

Signs that your body is in a detoxed state:

  • Fatigue, tired
  • Achey joints
  • Irritable
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Difficulty sleeping 7-8 hours
  • Puffy, round face, swelling
  • Brain fog

  Why do this?  

Our bodies are exposed to more toxins than ever before in history. If you don't make an extra effort to detoxify your body, it can overburden the liver, kidneys and lymph leading to chronic disease and sickness.


Do NOT hold your breath, ever. Doing so can increase intra-abdominal pressure and increase blood pressure.

Today's Checklist

Do Your Workout: 


Caution: Stop if you see black dots, feel faint, dizzy, nausea, or sharp pain.

Complete Prior Quiz (if not done already)

How To Regulate Nervous System Quiz

Check-In by

telling me if this is easy, medium or hard for you -- and what you liked most.

Studies show that the more you check-in, engage and interact with the community, the better you will do in the program and get more results.

Check-In by telling me  what you like MOST about this session and what you will put into practice right away.

Register here so you can "Check In."
