Ko's Restorative Routine
(4 Moves, just 7 minutes of your time)

People with one of the following:
- Chronic inflammation (eg. arthritis, lupus, etc.): stiff, achey joints, especially in the morning.
- Dysregulated Nervous System
- Growing waistline
- Digestive issues: regular bloating, constipation, gas, reflux
- Leaky gut
- Anyone over the age of 40.
In order to heal and shrink the waistline, it requires 3 things:
- Restore your "Lymphatic System" to normal.
- Eat "The 5 Healing Foods"
- Strengthen "The 12 Main Metabolic Muscles" to Boost Metabolism
Today, I'm going to show you the first step... Restore Your Lymphatic System.
This is not exercise. It's a movement routine. It's short (only 7 min) but it's packed with powerful scientific punch. The movements are important but it's the sequence that produces the magic. So pay close attention to the sequence. Not only will your body heal and restore, but it will also awaken the mitochondria in your cells almost instantly -- whereby boosting metabolism as you do it. Nice, right?!
- Foot Rocker - 30 seconds
- Plank Drop & Pops - 2min
- Half Turtle - 2min
- Wide Stance Forward Fold - 1min
Listen to this music while going through the movements.
Foot rocker (30seconds). *Feel the stretch
Plank Drop & Pops (2min). *If this bothers your wrists, it means you need it. But be gentle. Don't overdo it and cause injury. Go to tolerance, then let it rest.You will get stronger and stronger!
Half Turtle - (2min). *Don't strain your neck. Beginners start slow.
Wide Stance Forward Fold (1min). *Keep back straight or slightly arched.
You will feel an immediate sort of "high" euphoric feeling. Don't worry; it's a good thing :)
When you move your lymph system, and flush out toxins, the effects are immediate.
I used to do this routine every day but now that my metabolism has normalized (and health restored), I only do it whenever feeling sluggish.
**It's the sequence that makes this so effective. Do it in this exact sequence!
- Do once in the morning to start.
- Do once in morning AND once at night if you have a lot aches and pains.
- Do 2 rounds in the morning, 2 rounds at night if obese.
- Never hold your breath
- Rushing through it is a mistake. Lymph flow is about "freeing" your body from toxins and pollutants (both mental and material) to boost metabolism. You can create ease and flow to your body and life by setting an intent to be calm. Find a safe, private space and feel the flow. Thinking you don't need to restore your body. Restoration is the foundation of strength and stamina. You need to replenish just as much as you need the workout. It's equally important. So, if work hard... it's important to play hard as well.
- Not doing it. If you can't devote 7 minutes to your health, well-being, and body, it won't improve.
Beginners: Take it slow. Be gentle. Breathe. Use this time to replenish. I listen to song when going through it. See my music choice in instructions.
Advanced: Hold the tension longer.
Best Time To Do: Do first thing in the morning before you start your day. You can also do during work break, when feeling sluggish, or when back feels tight, etc. In many people, their back pain and tightness is from stagnant lymph in the lumbar trunk.
- Being gentle on your body and helping it heal is just as important as strengthening and challenging it.
- After you detoxify, it's easier to see the greatness inside of you.
- You are worthy of this. You've been through much; you've survived much. Now it's time for you to get better and enjoy more.
"We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are."
-Max Depree