Here are the questions I answer:
- "How do you eat healthy when invited to social events, outings and dinners?" (my answer might surprise you)
- "How do i get the morning sunrise light when I work early, have to get kids ready, etc. ?" (learn my furry lil secret)
And here are complaints (from members) that I address:
- "I had a slow start to the 21Day because the exercise schedule wasn't super clear." (ouch)
- "I didn't know exactly when to do things. And I was confused about which exercise to do and when."
(See how I respond to each complaint. you might be surprised)
And forBonus, you'll learn the following:
- If you make these 3 small mindset shifts, you achieve Optimal Health & Physique faster (believe it)
- Why it's important to get rid of 2 characteristics within yourself that can lead to disaster