How Selling One Online Course (With ko by your side) Can Get You Massive Cash Sales, Wealth & Freedom -- No Tech Skills Required
It's rare to have an opportunity come along where you can sell something unique and current, with high profit (and high market potential), with the help of a strong team as partners. Where the revenue can out-generate your main clinic revenue. It doesn't conflict with your in-clinic service (but hugely compliments); Doesn't upset your physicians (but boosts referrals); Doesn't require a long drawn out development, testing and refinement process. It's already proven. Is super popular. Creates excitement... and you can be up and running in less than 45-days! It's rare...
Free yourself from the 9 to 5 (40-hr) work week
Gain freedom to work from home, while traveling (anywhere) on your terms from here on out.
Get Limitless Income Week After Week
It sells 24/7, 365. You make money in your sleep, while traveling,... all the time!
Gain ko & his team as Partners
They do all the techy, tedious, setup, software and complicated stuff so you can relax and enjoy.
the Best Way To Start Your "March to Freedom" Today As a PT/OT is By taking 3 Simple Steps
1) redirect some of your time, attention & energy from low margins to high
Treating is great but when you redirect some of your time to higher margin strategies, you win, your organization wins, and your family wins.

2) SELL A HIGH PROFIT ONLINE Course (already done for you)
As a business owner, it's hard to achieve wealth, let alone financial security, without leveraging the internet. An online course is one of the best way to leverage the internet and the industry is booming. And this isn't just any ordinary online course. It matches your integrity, delivers high quality results for your students, and serves your entire community. One that boosts physician referrals and cash flow instantly. It will make you proud, more popular (and wealthy).

3) join a winning team going into the future
Never be alone again. The business world is getting harder and harder, and doing it alone can be brutal. Having a strong team working side by side with you can be the missing link to wildly huge success.
Here's How Joining Ko's National Team Can Make Business (& Life) Easier for you

1. We setup the entire 21DAy system for you
You get the entire course setup (on our software) with all our consumer testimonials, modules & lessons already done for you: videos*, materials, guidebooks, checklists, recipes... You get it all without lifting a finger! (If you want to create your own videos, you can.)
2. we train You & your staff
Having trained staff makes it where they can field the questions, not you. That way you can be pretty much hands off. We make sure your staff get trained, certified (and excited) about becoming a Metabolic CoachTM. We use 3 training methods: 1) Online Training: Our online "Locker Room" is filled with training videos, quizzes and certifications. 2) Monthly Zoom Trainings, 3) Get invited to the Live Trainings here in Dallas! There's even an option for us to come to you if you have enough staff.**
**Certain requirements apply. Must be within the U.S. Additional fees required.

3. we deliver The customers
We create the ads, the graphics, the funnels, the video snips, compelling copy, everything! AND... even better, we place the ads for you!* We also add you to our website and national directory! We take care of all your marketing needs. You get our entire marketing team on your side!*
*Limited time only. Fees may apply.
How Is The 21Day MET Reset Different From Other Cash Programs?
Now, I know what you might be thinkin'...
"ko, this sounds a lot like another cash fitness program... I tried that! It didn't work."
Well, here's the thing:
This isn't a typical cash program. And it's not a typical fitness program.
It's already proven to work.
Students go through the course online by themselves but it feels like they're being guided.
And it's not a typical online course either.
Because student's get results. And it makes you a ton of money with little effort.
It has Emotional Awakeners, Motivators, and all the things necessary to make it an experiential journey. They get rewarded, they engage, and end up asking for more.
The workouts, movements and routines focus on boosting metabolism (not just burning calories or muscle building). This leads to longterm results; which is what everyone wants.
The greatest benefit of this program is students end up being customers for life. They keep buying. They never want to leave you.
Let me show you what I mean...
The "Metabolic Reset System" includes 3 main parts:
They're all done virtually but can charge more for in-person.
1) The 21Day MET Reset Program (Sells for $197):
This is our introductory course. It's a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) at home program. People here are considered “Students”. We rarely interact or engage with students at this level. As students complete a lesson or module, new lessons are made available through what’s called a “drip” feature in the software. This prevents students from seeing the entire course “all at once” and potentially overwhelming themselves (which happens to a lot of people). So, instead they complete small steps and gain a sense of accomplishment and builds confidence. During a key moment in their journey, we present the student with the option to UPGRADE to our 4-Month Program. 30-70% of people upgrade to the 4-month program.
2) The 4-Month TRANS4MATION Program (sells for $997-$1997):
After the metabolism is primed from the 21Day, it's time to turn up the burn and results! This is our upgrade program. It's also a DIY home program but now we interact with them. People at this level are considered “Clients”. They get an “On-Boarding Package” where we speak to them on phone or zoom (and a nice little gift). We complete a Health Assessment and then go through their 1) Workout Plan & Schedule, 2) Eating Plan, 3) Calm & Release Strategy Plan, and 4) an optional Supplementation Strategy (for athletes, pregnant, depression, body build, etc.). They go through the Online Modules and Lessons on their own and do a weekly “Check-In Call”. We offer 3-6 virtual workout classes per week (some are prerecorded, some are live). We also offer a monthly “Energize” Sessions where we all gather and discuss “The Topic Of The Month” (facilitated by one of our coaches). At this level is when most of the results become noticeable and permanent. The 21Day is the “Primer” but the TRANS4MATION is the engine to our system. The Next Step for clients is the annual membership. 80-90% continue on to membership.
3) Annual Membership (sells for $1997-$4997)
This is merely a continuation of the TRANS4. Everything is the same. They continue getting new workout routines every 3-4 weeks, new recipes, new inspirations, new thoughts, access to our Private Community, access to our Monthly Energizers, and access to us. We create more coaches from within. The members become our coaches.
One of the most beautiful parts of this whole thing is that people rise to help others. They strive to improve themselves for the purpose of helping others. It’s really beautiful. And we get to be the facilitators of that. We become a conduit by which people can heal and then heal others. That’s what makes the difference. It’s empowering.