"Control Your Destiny By Adding More Movement Into Your Life"

(This one can fast-track you to Magnificence)

  Why do this?  

When you add more movement into your life, you change the path of your destiny.


When doing new workout below, stop or take breaks as needed. Make it your own. Later, you can push it and go harder but not on your first session.

Today's Checklist

Do Your Moves:  
"Standing Workout: 50-15"

(Blue Level: 16min)

Try out this new workout. To make it more challenging, use heavier dumbbells and/or repeat the video for another round.

Caution: Stop if you see black dots, feel faint, dizzy, nausea, or sharp pain.

Post Your Check-In

Tell me about a time when someone was toxic towards you and how it made you feel and how you overcome it.

Studies show that the more you check-in, engage and interact with the community, the better you will do in the program and get more results.

Read my unusual story, and become a "LifeChanger"

Becoming a "LifeChanger" starts with rising above toxic people, their words and abuse, and claiming your God-given identity and destiny...

Check-In for today's session below by telling me  about a time when someone was toxic towards you and how it made you feel and how you overcome it.

Register here so you can "Check In."
