WEEK 1:   Day1

"Welcome to the Start Day Party!"


  1. Download The Form  to take notes as you watch video about your MetFoods. Then take Quiz below.
  2. Learn your first MetMove below.  MetMoves strengthen the connection from your brain-to-body and organs, yay!
  3. Check-In below by adding a comment so I know you completed today's activity. (I do track and log your attendance :)

Movement 1 (for all groups)

This first "METMove" is for all groups.  It turns ON your insulin hormone and revs up your metabolism!  

Do 10 repetitions each side.  Do up to 3 rounds.  

Don't overdo it your first few sessions.  Don't force into any pain. Discomfort is good. It means you need it but don't force into pain.  

After you do the move, do today's quiz below.

Today's Quiz

Check-In below by telling me what you liked MOST about today's session. Leave comment below. Great job!

Click here if you want to avoid having to complete info every time you comment.
