WEEK1:  Day5 "Rise"

"The 3 Biggest Stumbling Blocks That Prevent 35+  From Getting & Keeping The Results They Want"

And what you can do about it To Rise Higher Than You Ever Have Before

  Why do this?...    It's your time...and you're ready for it.

*Precaution:  You may experience a whole new level of feeling, being and living.


  1. Cardio & Repair Day:  Do your favorite cardio. For example, walk, brisk walk, jog, hike, stairs, etc. Be outdoors. See green. It's important. No treadmill or indoor cardio.
  2. Secure your spot for ko360. You'll have plenty of time to finish what you started with 21Day then continue on with the 360journey (check the link in your email for more info)
  3. Check-In below by telling me what's changed for you since beginning this relationship with me.

Check-In for today's session below by telling me what has changed for you since beginning this relationship with me.

Click here if you want to avoid having to complete info every time you comment.
